Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)

The predictive and interpretive science of Vedic Astrology, also called Jyotish, offers timeless wisdom that takes into account a vast range of influences from the cosmos. An unbroken tradition of Vedic Astrology began many thousands of years ago in India when its principles flashed in the intuitive awareness of great "seers" or sages. Since then, astrologers or "jyotishis" have explored the detailed workings of this system and passed down their knowledge through the ages.

The intricate mathematics of Vedic Astrology are the source of its amazingly accurate predictive power. Modern computer technology is perfectly suited for working with these mathematical calculations.

The highly accurate calculations of Parashara's Light are backed up by years of development and testing. That's what makes our product the world's leading Vedic Astrology Software.

(Vedic sciences and technologies have been rediscovered in their completeness only recently. The missing elements are available again and the whole package is being organized and formulated to make it practical for our modern age. )

Jyotish is unique for many reasons.

  •   Practical and Informative - Unlike Western astrology, Jyotish is based upon real astronomy. Actually, Jyotish really is astronomy. The searchers of the Vedic Age always wanted to be practical people and made a point to relate whatever laws of nature they discovered to the day-to-day life of any individual. That's how a personal aspect of Jyotish was developed, a down-to-Earth aspect, so to speak. What the Jyotish astrologer writes down in a chart is what you would see by yourself up in the sky. It came to be known as sidereal astrology. This complex knowledge allows
  •   Antidotes - With Jyotish, the astrologer can not only show you the good periods of time in your life and the more challenging ones. He can also suggest how to prevent danger before it arises, so you can take advantage of the remedial techniques discovered by the Ancients to be effective for that purpose.
  •    Another difference is that Jyotish places more emphasis on the moon rather than the sun in your chart. The moon has been found by the Ancients to give a glimpse of your life in terms of your happiness, your inner satisfaction, and your ability to do good to society. Western astrology places more importance to the sun, which has been found to relate more to the ego values and the business-like aspects of your life. That is why if you ask a friend in the U.S. "what's your sign", your friend is more likely to say the natal sign he or she believes is inhabitated by the sun, when your friend from India is going to tell you the sign inhabited by the moon.

    Grahas (planets) | Bhavas (houses)Rashis (signs) | How Jyotish Predicts
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