Parashara's Light Ver4.0

                              The Latest Features in Version 4.0
On-line Help
The entire manual is now conveniently accessible as on-line help. Most screens have a  Help button, which will take you straight to the appropriate help section.

Balloon Help
To make the software even easier to use, the new balloon help will give you instant hints of the use of most buttons and menu items when you move the mouse cursor above the button or menu item.

1000 Yogas
Now you have a collection of 1000 yogas available from which you can print a report of all yogas that apply on the chart. The yogas are collected from many classical sources and all have proper names. The printout is beautiful!

International atlas
“Parashara’s Light” now includes an International atlas, containing the longitude and latitude of every major city in the world.

Kaksha report
A new kaksha report, inspired by Richard Houck, will give a fascinating monthly overview of your best and worst days according to ashtakavarga. For example, Princess Diana died when her kaksha score was at a lowest.

Calendar printout
The transit/dasha report can now be printed in a very beautiful and handy calendar format. Something you will not want to miss!

Sorting file names
All chart files saved in “Parashara’s Light” can now be sorted according to different criteria: see in an instant who has the weakest Moon, who has a birthday today, or who has most planets debilitated!

More Visual
Some very attractive new graphics have been added. You will enjoy using the software even more than before!

And a lot more!
Worksheet enhancements, a title page for the printouts, new features in the user defined printouts, are just a few of the many improvements we made.
                                 Explore each feature in Parashara's Light